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Guiding Threads Subscription

Guiding Threads Subscription is your key to uncovering the personalized healing path you’ve been searching for. Each month 2x, receive tailored insights and priorities directly to your inbox, crafted using the profound guidance of the MindsAtlas S.I.M.O.N. Divination Matrix.



Healing Priorities




Why Choose Guiding Threads?

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s easy to lose sight of our personal healing journey. The stress, trauma, and pressures build up, leaving us feeling disconnected from our true selves. Guiding Threads Subscription is designed to bring clarity and focus to your healing process, helping you align with your deepest needs and desires.

2x Monthly Guidance

Delivered directly to your inbox every month, twice a month, our guidance offers actionable insights and steps to help you stay aligned and focused on your healing journey.

Personalized Priorities

You'll receive your unique list of three healing priorities, meticulously chosen for you through the MindsAtlas Divination Matrix. This ensures that your healing journey is not just effective, but deeply resonant with who you are.

Exclusive Access

Gain access to advanced techniques and insights from my Fascia Weaving practice, with special content designed to support and inspire you every step of the way.

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How It Works

1: Subscribe


Join our community by subscribing to Guiding Threads for just $97 a month.





2: Receive Monthly Emails


Each month 2x, you'll receive an email with your personalized healing priorities, tailored just for you. These emails will offer a detailed look into your healing needs, along with strategies to address them effectively.





3: Embrace Your Journey


Use the insights and priorities to navigate your healing journey with confidence, knowing you have the support and guidance needed to thrive.

What To Expect

  • Three Healing Priorities: These are specific areas or aspects of your life that require focus and healing. They may be physical, emotional, or spiritual, but they are always in tune with your current state and needs.



  • Expert Insights: Each priority comes with insights and techniques to help you address it effectively, using the same methodologies and practices I use in my one-on-one Fascia Weaving sessions.



  • Continual Growth: As you progress through your healing journey, expect shifts and changes in your priorities, reflecting your evolving needs and growth.

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Why It Matters

The journey to healing is unique for each individual. With Guiding Threads, you have the opportunity to explore your personal path to wellness with tailored support and expert guidance. Let’s unravel the threads of stress and trauma, and weave a tapestry of health and harmony in your life.

Subscribe Now for Just $97/Month

Start your journey today and unlock the healing potential within. Click the button below to fill out our short application and take the first step towards a more aligned and empowered you.

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Guiding Threads Application

Guiding Threads

Thank you! We will reach out to you shortly via email address provided.

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